In South Sudan, with the world’s third lowest literacy rate, ongoing conflict and economic instability, along with a scarcity of educational resources and qualified teachers, severely limit access to quality education. This lack of schooling exposes children and women to heightened risks like human trafficking.


1 in 4 of school attending children are female.

70% of South Sudanese are younger than 30 and half can neither read nor write.

2.8 Million children are not in school in South Sudan.


Our model intervenes to prevent such vulnerabilities and promotes empowerment through education, recognizing it as just one of the ways we help them to thrive as change agents in their communities.


Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are able to invest in the lives of children, like Rose and Adam*, who are defying the odds stacked against them.


Rose Nachichi, aged 21 and a nursing student, along with her younger brother Adam, aged 18 and in 8th grade, were welcomed in LUV’s anti-trafficking network in 2014.


After the loss of their father, a soldier in the war, Rose and Adam were taken by their mother to their new stepfather’s village in Eastern Equatoria. However, it soon became clear that their new guardian intended to exploit them through child labor, with Rose particularly vulnerable to becoming a child bride.


Recognizing the danger the siblings faced, their extended family intervened, but resources were limited. Desperate to keep the children safe from their stepfather, the family turned to LUV’s anti-trafficking network for support and in 2014, both Rose and Adam found refuge and care with LUV, aged 8 and 11 at the time.


Rose’s journey since then has been remarkable. In 2021, Rose graduated from high school, and by 2023, she had received a scholarship to enroll at a local nursing college, pursuing a degree in Clinical Medicine with a slated graduation in 2026. Meanwhile, Adam is on track to graduate from high school in 2028.


Catch a glimpse of Rose’s poetry performance for the Longest Night Prayer Vigil:


Their story exemplifies the transformative power of support and resilience in overcoming adversity. You can help protect and empower more individuals like Rose and Adam. Join us in making a difference today.


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*Our commitment is to keep children safe online, and because he is under the age of 18, his name was changed to protect his identity.