Stories of hope

Nalo’s Story: From Tragedy to Triumph

Nalo’s Story: From Tragedy to Triumph

Preserving the right to a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for all children is essential to our mission at LUV. Our local partners and indigenous directors provide physical protection and spiritual counseling to help the children in our anti-trafficking network...

The Complex History of Sudan and South Sudan: A Brief Overview

The Complex History of Sudan and South Sudan: A Brief Overview

Delve into the captivating yet challenging history of Sudan and South Sudan in our latest blog. From colonization and civil wars to the ongoing struggle for peace, see how these events shape the region today. Despite the hardships, the resilience of local communities shines through.

Seeds of Change for Women in South Sudan

Seeds of Change for Women in South Sudan

Did you know the food security is often the tipping point that leads to individuals and families being less vulnerable to human trafficking?   Our partners at Hope For South Sudan (HFSS), located near the South Sudan and Uganda border in Eastern Equatoria,...


Rooted in Progress: How Agriculture Empowers Local Communities

Rooted in Progress: How Agriculture Empowers Local Communities

In the heart of South Sudan, where conflict runs deep, the power of agriculture shines as a beacon of hope. War, extreme poverty, colonialism, and exploitation of resources have left indelible marks on the landscape and its people, challenging their survival and...

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Every day, with a simple twist of a knob, clean water flows from our sinks and showers. A bus arrives nearby to pick up children for school, or a guardian offers door-to-door drop-off. With a quick call, a medical appointment can be scheduled for a check-up or urgent need. These conveniences are so typical that most of us don’t even consider what life would be like without them.

Surviving Against the Odds

Surviving Against the Odds

In South Sudan, with the world’s third lowest literacy rate, ongoing conflict and economic instability, along with a scarcity of educational resources and qualified teachers, severely limit access to quality education. This lack of schooling exposes children and women to heightened risks like human trafficking…

Let’s Get Stronger Together!

Let’s Get Stronger Together!

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will not only elevate your personal well-being but also help to strengthen LUV? We’re thrilled to invite you to join our LUV Strong campaign! 

Empowering Lives Through Your Generosity

Empowering Lives Through Your Generosity

Ensuring safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments for all children is critical to our work at LUV. Our local partners provide physical protection and spiritual counseling to help the children in our anti-trafficking network become empowered and grow in resiliency. 

LUV’s Impact Report is Now Available!

LUV’s Impact Report is Now Available!

We are excited to share this 2023 Impact Report with you, offering you a glimpse into the far-reaching effects of your generosity and the tangible outcomes of your investment in hope. We take our commitment to financial integrity seriously, and your trust in us is deeply appreciated.

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