Lift Up the Vulnerable has received a gift of $100,000.00 by an anonymous donor as part of its comprehensive campaign to lift up the most vulnerable children and women across Sudan and South Sudan by providing safe housing, education, and healthcare. This gift, along with generous contributions from other partners, has provided a strong base for LUV’s goal of raising $3 million over the next three quarters.
“These generous donations are so exciting because they represent the contagious and generous Love of Christ to the children and women we serve; and our indigenous partners that tirelessly care for them in Sudan and South Sudan. It’s hard for that generosity not to be contagious and LOVE to explode with each offering of grace! Every donation matters and every gift we receive is an agent of Hope and Healing in this hurting world,” said the Executive Director Audrey Moore.
“This generous gift will ensure that we can continue providing high quality shelter, education, and healthcare to the most vulnerable children and women in our world” said Chief Advancement Officer Preston Lindsay.
To be a part of the movement of LUV, donate today: