Last week, Jane (LUV’s Thrive Coordinator) and Stella (HFSS Child Welfare Coordinator) led the teenage girls at Hope For South Sudan (HFSS) through our innovative new approach toward addressing menstruation related challenges for girls and women.


In Sudan and South Sudan, menstruation pads are often difficult to find for sale or are too expensive in the local markets. Without access or resources, this often puts girls behind in their school lessons—with some missing out on 20% of their education!

More than 60% of girls report missing anywhere from 4 to 8 days of class a month when they’re menstruating.


Instead of relying on expensive imports, the girls throughout our anti-trafficking network are being empowered with the resources and knowledge to sew their own re-usable pads—and be supported on their journey to womanhood.


With the skills they learn, they’ll also be able to help empower other girls and women in their families and communities.


Menstruation shouldn’t get in the way of a girl’s education. LUV is committed to preventing human trafficking and helping all vulnerable children thrive. Protecting young girls and helping them excel in school is a game changer in ending slavery and transforming warzones.

Join us in helping young girls innovate and thrive with a donation today.