In an interview Fred Rodgers once shared, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
It’s a principal and practice that I’ve especially been following these past weeks. Pay attention. Stay alert. Notice how God is moving. As Jacob once declared, “God is in this place—truly. And I didn’t even know it!”
The leaders pictured above represent nearly two hundred “helpers” from Sudan, South Sudan, and Kenya that serve with LUV in their communities. Men and women who have responded to Christ’s call to stand with the least of these, prevent human trafficking, and lift up the vulnerable. In times like these, we need leaders like James, Eugenio, Jane, Peter, and Ezekiel more than ever as we—all together—protect, support, equip, and raise up the next generation of peacemakers in warzones.
Since last week both the prime minister of Sudan and president of South Sudan have taken many strong steps to try to reduce the spread of coronavirus in both nations. Flight restrictions, border closings, quarantines, curfews, and month long school closings have been enacted.
Following these mandates, our schools have also begun closing. Children that are only in our school program have returned to be with their families for the next weeks. At the same time LUV’s safe house programs will continue to operate and protect the most vulnerable children who have no other options.
These travel restrictions, however, will delay our child sponsorship updates and letter delivery. Please be patient with us as we navigate how and when to move forward with these important visits while seeking to do all that we can to protect our children and staff.
Read our report on COVID-19 in Sudan and South Sudan and the preventative measures we’ve taken thus far:
At Hope For South Sudan (along the border of Uganda), Director Peter Lomago shares:

Children at HFSS prepare seed bags to plant vegetables.
At the moment there is no coronavirus case in our state. What we see in town today is the State Ministry of Health telling people about symptoms of corona and its prevention. We are monitoring closely, isolating, and restricting movements of our staff. No visitors will be permitted.
[While schools are closed], the students and pupils in the orphanage will have devotions twice a day led by our chapel leadership. We have made extra water taps for them for hand washing. Children will also get involved in agricultural activities till the schools reopen.
To our partners and donors, do not worry about anything but take everything to God in prayer. I hope all will go well with us. But we do not panic, the Lord is our refuge. We in HFSS experienced the Lord’s hand of protection many times especially during the civil war. We pray He will cover us and our partners with His precious blood. This is our Hope. – Peter
Over the next weeks, I’ll be sending more updates and good words of Hope from the “helpers” at each location in our anti-trafficking network.
We want to ensure that no child is left behind during this global crisis, and even more so, we are steadfast in our dedication to saving the most vulnerable from a lifetime of trafficking and slavery. In these uncertain times our work now is more critical than ever. Your prayers and financial partnership will help us save lives.
Join us in lifting up the vulnerable today.
For they will know us by our Love,
Audrey Moore
Chief Executive Officer