How are you doing? Are you safe? Are you staying healthy? Is there any way my team and I can pray for you?
We’ve certainly found ourselves and our world in a place where much prayer is needed. Community—creatively and from a distance—is needed too. I’ve found myself on more phone and video conference calls than ever before. I’m so thankful. What has always been true is revealing itself more fully now: we need one another.
Below you will find both the lifted prayers for you and the prayer requests of our partners—the helpers—in Sudan and South Sudan.
The prayers of the people are a powerful force.
Randy Alcorn, author and founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares that, “Prayer is never secondary, it’s always primary. It’s not the last recourse, when options run out; it’s the first and best recourse. Prayer is the central work which causes all other work to bear fruit.”
Anne Lamott, in her precious book Help Thanks Wow: Three Essential Prayers reminds us that, “This is a hard planet, and we’re a vulnerable species. And [sometimes] all I can do is pray: Help.”
Our partners and the children have been specifically praying for you each day. As your partnership has reminded them that they are not alone nor forgotten, they want you to remember you are loved and lifted up as well. God is the great connector of hearts and lives!
Our partners and the children also need our support more than ever. We want to ensure that no child is left behind during this global crisis, and even more so, we are steadfast in our dedication to saving the most vulnerable from a lifetime of trafficking and slavery. In these uncertain times our work now is more critical than ever. Your prayers and financial partnership will help us save lives: GIVE LUV
The Prayers of the People

Read the full letter from James Lual Atak
Director of New Life Ministry
(along the border of Darfur)
“…The only way prevention happens here is to keep your children and family together in one place and avoid too much meeting with so many people and keep washing hands with soap all the time—but the people in the communities and in the villages here don’t even have access to soap at all. It’s not an easy life here completely.
And in the New Life Ministry we are far much better because of the support we have… It’s making us feel that the wonderful human beings around the world are not forgetting us, and especially because of your monthly sharing with us from your families it makes the goals to be reached.
Because of your loves and your faithfulness in walking with this amazing work it’s really giving the faithful love of Jesus Christ in our hearts. And so in whatever situation—in sickness, in health, in war and in peace—we will still continue because I believe God has called us for this wonderful work of lifting up the vulnerable.
My request upon you is this: kindly continue and stand with us in great support…”

God of the present moment,
God who in Jesus stills the storm
and soothes the frantic heart;
bring hope and courage to all
who wait or work in uncertainty.
Bring hope that you will make them the equal
of whatever lies ahead.
Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided,
for your will is health and wholeness;
you are God, and we need you.
-Adapted from New Zealand Prayer Book, p. 765
If my team and I can pray for you and stand with you during this time, please let me know by sending me an email. We’re here for you and want to stay connected!
Join us with prayers and in lifting up the vulnerable today.
For they will know us by our Love,
Audrey Moore
Chief Executive Officer