As the year draws to a close, our vision of a world free from exploitation and oppression is stronger than ever.


You bring this vision to life. With each story of transformation in the lives of those we serve in Sudan and South Sudan, it is evident that you play a pivotal role creating new stories of hope. 


In the coming weeks, you will see and read about “Faces of LUV” — powerful narratives of children and women who, despite daunting challenges, found hope and experienced transformation, because of your generous support.


You enable us to live out the sentiment penned by Victor Hugo in Les Misérables, “To love another person is to see the face of God.” 


Your unwavering belief in love propels us to serve people who are overlooked. Jesus’s words, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40), guide us, reminding us of the significance of each act of love.


You’ve been with us, supporting our mission, as we celebrate two decades of collaboration with local partners and teams.


Your Impact in 2023

Because of you, this year:

We protected 565.

We educated 1,389.

We economically empowered 531.

The ripple effect continues as many of the lives you helped us to empower economically are in a much better position to support their families and neighbors—the power of ethical employment extends our impacts to an estimated 2,124 more!


This is critical because the areas where we operate have been fractured by prolonged warfare rooted in racial, religious, and ethnic divisions. Yet, with a model of holistic empowerment proven over 18 years, we are reversing this narrative. By bringing together the most vulnerable children and women from various backgrounds, we foster love and peacebuilding — the essence of LUV. Our centers offer protection and education and focus on pursuing reconciliation within the larger community.


By providing housing, medical care, nutrition, and love, we are nurturing a generation of young people who will be self-sufficient — providing for themselves and serving their nations.


We Invite You To Join Us

As we spotlight the Faces of LUV in emails and on social media in the coming weeks, we invite you to engage in the stories and testimonies and to truly see the faces that represent the impact that you make possible. When orphans often have no one to stand with them, your support shows they are not alone.


We invite you to join us as we continue on this journey together — lifting up the vulnerable and seeing lives transformed.


To help us meet the increasing needs in the area, would you make a one-time or monthly gift to uplift the students and equip our leadership team in Sudan?