Stories of hope

Seeds of Change for Women in South Sudan

Seeds of Change for Women in South Sudan

Did you know the food security is often the tipping point that leads to individuals and families being less vulnerable to human trafficking?   Our partners at Hope For South Sudan (HFSS), located near the South Sudan and Uganda border in Eastern Equatoria,...

Surviving Against the Odds

Surviving Against the Odds

In South Sudan, with the world’s third lowest literacy rate, ongoing conflict and economic instability, along with a scarcity of educational resources and qualified teachers, severely limit access to quality education. This lack of schooling exposes children and women to heightened risks like human trafficking…

Let’s Get Stronger Together!

Let’s Get Stronger Together!

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will not only elevate your personal well-being but also help to strengthen LUV? We’re thrilled to invite you to join our LUV Strong campaign! 


Elizabeth Achol Atak: A Face of the Future

Elizabeth Achol Atak: A Face of the Future

Meet Elizabeth Achol Atak, affectionately known as Achol “Tall” due to her 6’3″ stature, is not just tall in height but also character — a blend of leadership, compassion, and humor. With Achol Tall around, things get accomplished with her vibrant spirit…

Teresa Akon: A Face of Progress

Teresa Akon: A Face of Progress

At 50, Teresa, a remarkable women whose journey with LUV’s anti-trafficking network began at a pivotal juncture in her life. At 33, widowed and amidst the havoc of war, she navigated the responsibility of nurturing six children…

Elkanah Dut Deng: A Face of Change

Elkanah Dut Deng: A Face of Change

Meet Elkanah Dut Deng, a remarkable testament to the power of resilience and hope. His journey is an inspiring story of transformation, made possible through the incredible work of our partners in South Sudan…

Introducing Ashton Wylie — LUV’s New Advancement Assistant

Introducing Ashton Wylie — LUV’s New Advancement Assistant

We are thrilled to introduce Ashton Wylie as the latest addition to the Lift Up the Vulnerable (LUV) team. As our newest Advancement Assistant, Ashton brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for making a difference in the lives of the marginalized and vulnerable…

Dut Deng’s Poem on Hope

Dut Deng’s Poem on Hope

A poem by NLM alumni, now teacher, Elkanah Dut Deng for the 20th Celebration of New Life Ministry in 2023:   "Hope" is something without feathers that perches on our souls and sings a tune without words and never stops at all.   The voice of one James Lual...

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